Payment process

Make it easier to pay (Transfer Wise / Western Union)

Transfer wise payment link :

Western Union payment link :

1. Find your favorite product on the website and click: Buy Now.

 2. Here is your shopping cart. You can continue shopping or checkout now. If you only want to buy one product, please click checkout now.

3. Fill in your address on this page, enter the discount code you have and confirm your order details

4. Very good, the order was submitted successfully. 

These will be used in subsequent payments. Please remember to save.

Click on the red text to go to the payment page.

5. This page is mainly used for login. Remind our recipient currency is VND.

Transfer wise payment link:

Western Union payment link:

6. You can log in to it by using your Email

7. Fill the valid number sent to your email

8. Fill it out based on the information on the order success page. 

If there is always an error in filling out the country, please check if the previous steps convert USD to VND.

Remind our recipient currency is VND.

(The currency must be converted to VND in this step, otherwise one of the subsequent steps will not be able to continue the payment.)

9. Fill in your card information that you want to pay.

10. Our customer service will contact you within 24 hours after your order is successful. You can tell customer service if you have any needs.

We will receive payment in 24 hours.

(Every arrival time may be different, it is normal.)

(I hope that you can email this step image to our TIKHUB staff. Let us know that you have paid, just need some time to wait for it to arrive. Thank you.)



After the payment is successful, you can contact us by the following methods. We will arrange the goods and deliver the goods for you as soon as possible after receiving the money. Thank you for your trust and support.

The following is my contact information, you can contact me in any way.


Gmail: [email protected]

WhatsApp: +84772514837 (  ) 

Instagram: tikhubs_ru 
 ( )

Welcome to TIKHUB.RU

 Happy shopping!